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Early Stuff Volume 1

Artist: Dave Fuglewicz

Year: 1993
Country: United States
Catalog No: none
Format: Tape
Information from the album page at the Internet Archive:
Early Stuff Volume 1 was released in June of 1993 and features two compositions from the 1980's. Even though this was my fourth official release, some of my earliest work was on this tape. After my first three release, "Industrial Strength #1", Industrial Strength #2" and "Every Electric Part Of You" I decided to dig into my tape vaults and unleash my early recordings via Early Stuff Volume's 1 and 2.
"The Edge Of Frenzy" was completed in February of 1984 and was recorded using two cassette decks, an original Sony Walkman and a Radio Shack cassette deck. I would record onto the Radio Shack deck, then use the Walkman to playback the tape while I played my synthesizer, recording all of that onto a new tape with the Radio Shack deck. I've forgotten how many layers I used, but I don't think it was any more than five or six. I used my Fender Telecaster Custom, ARP 2600 and a couple of effects stomp boxes for this.
"The Multimedia Procession Wound It's Way Down The Stairs, Pausing Only Once To Reload" was finished in July of 1988 and was recorded onto a Sony stereo reel-to-reel deck that featured Sound-On-Sound technology. I used my ARP 2600, Echoplex and (again) a couple of effects stomp boxes for this.