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Alias: Hansaplast
Gender: Mixed
Country: Germany
German independent punkrockband from Hannover, founded in 1978. Released their first album DIY with a little help by the local independent-label Lava Records, which permit to use the label and labelcode for this enterprise. This first album was something like an initial spark to the later called NDW and against any expectation, very successful. More than 10 000 copies sold very fast, so the band decided to do their own Label No Fun Records founded in 1980. They did a rerelease of the first album and two more on it, but also offers it to several local bands. There was some attention all over the world at this time, and up to now, the band still belong to the most important German punkrockbands.
Annette Benjamin, Bettina Schröder, Jens Meyer, Michael Polten, Phil Luland, Renate Baumgart