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Industrial Strength #2

Artist: Dave Fuglewicz

Year: 1990
Country: United States
Catalog No: none
Format: Tape
Information from the album page at the Internet Archive:
Industrial Strength #2 was released in October of 1990 on cassette. This was my second release, issued about two weeks after "Industrial Strength #1".
At that time I had planned to issue my cassette's under the title "Industrial Strength #x" and just increment the number. I changed my mind about that some time in 1991.
All tracks recorded to my trusty four track Vesta-Fire MR-10B cassette deck unless noted.

Individual track notes:
1) "Asilomar", completed in April of 1989. This is an attempt to express the mood of a day spent at Asilomar Beach, Monterey Peninsula, California.
2) "Sly Dr Fermento's Holiday", sound-on-sound, completed in December of 1988. The title sounded fun at the time, no special importance.
3) "Anger In My Cries", completed in October of 1989. Here I revisit the theme of anger with the politics of this world.
4) "Sunlight In My Sighs", completed in December of 1989. The inner peace, the sunlight in my sighs.
5) "Now One I Stand Euphoric", completed in July of 1989. Made entirely using the Noise Generator's of my ARP 2600 and ARP Odyssey as the sources. The title gives it away: N O I S E.
6) "The Rosewith Inn", completed in December of 1989. Enjoying a peaceful stay at the rose within.