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Alias: NP.Wat
Gender: Male
Country: Poland
Description: A Polish band of irregular personnel, classified under the tag of the indu- strial avant-garde of rock music, it was started in 1986 by Piotr Z?AGLEWSKI and Piotr RYZIN?SKI, its leaders and sole core members. Initially, they were aided by Rafa? KRYGIER (from 1986 to 1987), and later by Magda MORGISZ, Grzegorz CZUPRYNIAK, and Grzegorz TYSZKIEWICZ, among others. In the first half of the 1990s TYSZKIEWICZ co-formed the rock / industrial band MARCHLEVSKY, and since 2009 he has been operating a prolific music imprint named BOCIAN RECORDS. Having quickly grown out of their early post-punk era, around 1987 they went on to combine music with visual elements: art happenings, multimedia performance, and para-theatrical activities, inspired by the avant-garde of the 1920s. The live performances were meticulously prepared, including costumes, stage production and props. The music relied on dissonant sounds from a prepared piano, a radio receiver, a variety of toy instruments, and self-made electronic devices. In terms of composition, it involved numerous collages and multi-level antimusical textures, complemented with phonetically oriented vocals delivering poetry or excerpts from encrypted messages meant for operatives of foreign special services. Although never officially shelved, the project’s operations were radically limited after 1994. From 1990 to 1992 Z?AGLEWSKI along with Joanna CZUPRYNIAK formed the industrial noise duo 27-29, whose idiosyncratic music utilised as the sole sound material synthetic static obtained from the outer and inner groves of vinyl records, subsequently processed and looped. Z?AGLEWSKI used the very same name for his underground art magazine issued from 1991 to 1992. Discography: Np. Wat (WAT 1989) tape