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Rolling 5

Artist: Toine Horvers

Year: 1987
Country: Germany
Catalog No: Edition Giannozzo Berlin, none
Format: Tape
Spezification: S/Sided, Box
A Rolling 5 15:00
Edition of 30 signed copies with 2 flip-books in box.

Two drummers beat a continuous roll on snaredrums, varrying their volume between the loudest and the softest sound but so that their common volume remains the same. Each plays at a volume contrasting to the other; as one increases his volume, the other has to play more softly.
The publication consists of a cassette with a fifteen minutes sound recording of the drummers on 2 seperate channels, and 2 books of photographs showing the waves of volume in a number of steps. Intervals between the photographs: 30 sec.
Instruction for use:
- place the books next to each other, left and right
- start the tape: you will hear what is the left and the right channel
- turn one page of each book every 30 seconds.
"Rolling 5" is a audio/visual publication for the occasion of an installation with the same title in Galerie Giannozzo Berlin in April 1987.