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LabelYear runningCountry
i Tapes
IBFUnited Kingdom
ICA Projects
Iconoclast International Records & Tapes
ICR Integrated Circuit RecordsUnited Kingdom
Ideen-Taten-Erfolge TapesGermany
idid idid labelUnited Kingdom
IdiosyncraticsUnited States
Idiot PressNorway
Idiot RecordsGermany
Idol Essence ProductionsCanada
Illbilly Records
Illuminated RecordsUnited Kingdom
Illusion ProductionFrance
Image 341 IncUnited Kingdom
Image FactoryUnited Kingdom
Imgrat RecordsUnited States
Immortality Centre
Impact Rec
Improvisational Music
ImpulseUnited Kingdom
In der TatGermany
In Neutraler Zelle Kein Zwang
In Phaze RecordsUnited Kingdom
Incest TapesBelgium
Incidental MusicUnited Kingdom
Independent ProjectUnited States
IndexUnited Kingdom
Individual Pop
Individuale Unterentwickelte UrwaldproduktionGermany
Industria TepaItaly
Industrial RecordsUnited Kingdom
Industrial Therapy Unit
Industrial Warfare
Industrie Discografiche LacerbaItaly
Inesistente Produzioni, Perfido Incanto ProdxItaly
Inexorable Productions
Infam ProduktGermany
Infam Produkt / Bubu MusikverbreitungGermany
Infam Records/ SandmanntonprodukteGermany
Infektion Prod
Inferno TapesGermany
Information SystemsAustralia
Ink RecordsUnited Kingdom
Inkey$United Kingdom
Inktvlek Bandje
Inner Ear RecordingsUnited Kingdom
Inner Journey MusicUnited States
Inner Psyche Productions
Inner-X-MusickUnited States
Innere Erde Gemeinschaft
Inox KapellGermany
Insane MusicBelgium
Inside the Soundscape
Insipid MusicUnited States
Instant TapesGermany
Institute of Sonology
Integrated Circuit Records
Inter-Dimensional MusicUnited States
Interaccion LabelSpain
InterchangeUnited Kingdom
Interference TapesCanada
International Contemporary PoetriesNetherlands
International Electronic Music Association Group Tape Project (Anvil Creations)United States
International Electronic Music AssociationGroup Tape Project (Anvil Creations)United States
International Terrorist Network (I.T.N.)United States
Interplanet Music
Interpol Studios
Interrupt ProductNetherlands
Interrupt Products
Into the Abyss
Intoleranz! SchallplattenGermany
IntrepidUnited States
Intrinsic Action
Inutile Tapes
Invincible Records
Invisible Disk Records
Invisible MusicUnited States
Ionizations / Audio TexturesUnited States
IpharUnited Kingdom
IQ Cassette
IQ Tapes
IQ VertriebGermany
IR Datum Supplies
Iron Banana
Iron Curtain RecordsGermany
IRRE TapesGermany
IRRE Tapes / Lonely Whistle
Irrelevant Wombat RecordsUnited Kingdom
Isomorphic Records
It's War Boys